You are right, all the nimrods preaching about their graphical standards are blowing smoke out their rears.
RE5 does have great graphics, if a reviewer has "higher standards" than that, then they're trying to compare a game to a blu-ray movie.
As for realistic, most games are in 720p, few are any higher, and most good ones have framerates at a smooth 60fps. Considering blu-ray discs and just about all MPEG streams in general run at 24 fps, that is excellent graphics, better-than-a-movie graphics. Your eye can't tell the difference between 40fps and 60fps. Most ps3 games have good, well-detailed 3d models that are controlled by good physics. Not realistic physics, but that's not what the graphics is about. The models have well-detailed and lifelike animations. The environment is covered with cool textures that make things look real. I've seen especially impressive graphics in these games:
condemned 2: bloodshot: amazing glossy sheen, metal looks like metal, paint like paint
Pure: amazing detail
heavenly sword: real-looking people, beautiful girl
Wheelman: hey, that really is Vin Diesel! Looks like Mo-cap.
Alone in the Dark: things look real, dark things look like real things look in the dark.
Killzone2: nothing special about it, but it's good, so it makes the list.
Resident Evil 5: detailed people and gore. Nothing else really special, but good.
I think people who obsess about graphics are people who don't actually turn their attention to playing the game. If you're concentrating on playing the game, you won't notice little differences in the graphics so much. Not enough to be able to call a game like resident evil bad graphics. Especially since RE5 has such lousy controls. If they'd actually played the game, they'd be complaining about the controls, not the graphics.
Here are some games with crap graphics:
Full Auto Battlelines
Kane and Lynch: dead men
I can't think of any more right now. Why anyone would advocate caning and lynching dead men is beyond me. Why torture and hang someone who's already dead