Well as far as the system specs go(if you go with the top models)-
XBOX 360 Elite-$450.00
-120gb hdd
- wired headset
- hdmi cable
- component av cable
- wireless controller(rechargeable battery available seperate)
- plays DVDs,CDs(games formatted on DVDs)
- plays certain list of original xbox games(go to xbox.com for list)
- 2 usb ports
- 2 xbox 360 memory card slots
- does have high break down rate(microsoft will fix system)
- includes 1 month of live. live costs $50.00 for per year
- no built in wi fi (need adapter)
- large power brick
- ethernet cable
- hi def games
PLAYSTATION 3 80gb bundle-$500.00(releases 6/12)
-80gb hdd
-standard av cables (buy hdmi or component cable seperate)
-wireless dualshock 3 controller(also has motion control)
-usb cable(charges controller)
-plays DVDs,Blu Ray,CDs(games formatted on Blu Ray disc)
-4 usb ports
-flash card memory slots(3 different kinds)
-very low break down rate
-online service is FREE(not quite as good as xbox Live)
-web browser
-built in wi fi
-built in power brick
-ethernet cable
-backwards compatabile with PS2 and PSone games
-hi def games(have potential to be bigger and graphically superior to 360 games)
-Metal Gear Solid 4 game is included
So as far as the system specs and what you get out of the box, the Playstation 3 is a better deal and a bit superior.
While Playstation 3's online service is free, Xbox Live is a better service. The Playstation 3 is trying to expand with upcoming features like home(like a virtual xbox marketplace) it is likely Xbox Live will always be a better service.
In the end it is all about games. Playstation 3 games will start to look better over time. The cell processor and the fact that the games are made on blu ray discs allow developers to create larger and graphically superior titles. Though they are still learning the process of doing this so you have to give it time. Not to say Xbox 360 has bad graphics. The games currently have FANTASTIC graphics.
So you need to look at the titles that are currently available for both systems. And ones that are on the way. Stuff like Grand Theft Auto IV are on both systems. Though 360 has better online. Also what do your friends have? If they have 360 then that is the way to go. Here are some games that will be realesed for PS3 and games that will be released for 360 that you should look into.
Playstation 3
-metal gear solid 4
-resistance 2
-motorstorm pacific rift
-killzone 2
-gran turismo 5
-tekken 6
-final fantasy 13
-final fantasy versus 13
-god of war 3
Xbox 360
-ninja gaiden 2
-too human
-halo wars
-fable 2
-gears of war 2
-bioshock 2(unconfirmed for ps3)
Of course you currently have titles like halo 3, mass effect, bioshock, and gears of war for xbox 360.
and for ps3 you have motorstorm, resistance fall of man, uncharted, and ratchet and clank.
So there you go. Playstation 3 is a better system on paper. If you look at the specs you are getting a better value as far as hardware goes.
Xbox 360 currently has more games available(it is a year ahead of PS3) and its Live service will more than likely always remain superior.
For you it sounds like the 360 is best but remember to
look at the games coming out and the games available, and then decide.