About 300 dollars.
Anyhow, wow. That's a good question. I found this list of "family games" on the Xbox site.
Ahh, here you go. After you check out their little list, head over here,
You can select a rating, like Everyone and the console. It will give you a list of game to peruse.
For what it's worth, the Nintendo Gamecube is very good in the area of children's games.
The Playstation 2 is also worth considering. It has the largest library especially considering the original Playstation titles with which it is compatible.
Dear "The-Halo-Guy",
Please put down the crack pipe.
First of all, I wouldn't recommend any system that costs $300 (Xbox 360 core) to $600 (PS3 60GB) for young kids.
As for exclusives, the Playstation brand has tons. Visit the ESRB site and just select Playstation 2. Cruise through the list. You will see plenty on that list of 1443 titles that are only available on the PS2.
One good example for children is Kingdom Hearts I & II in which you can interact with characters from a number of Disney features.
Also, if you took the time to follow up on any of the the rumors regarding the PS3 rather than simply repeating that nonsense, you would have learned that any PS3 game will play on any PS3 system. They have done nothing to restrict the playing of used or rental games on the system.
"We have definitely not been communicating that," UK spokesperson Jennie Kong confirmed. "It's false speculation. We don't have any further knowledge about this topic - either officially or unofficially, to be frank."