Well theyre both about the same really,depends what you want.now i am not fanboy of any and am deciding myself on what to buy.here is the information you might be needing.
Some people for some reason say the ps3 has 'better graphics' this is absolutely false. the Xenos on the 360 is better than the ps3's cell. It simply has more power.you can test it yourself and see that most multiplatform games run smoother and the detail is sharper.
2. Game selection
Xbox 360 is leading right now since it had a years headstart. It also has many exclusives.the ps3 is catching up with many titles that has made xbox buyers regret buying a 360.
for this,its going to be tough for anyone to beat ps3. The ps3 has bluray which provides one of the best experiences for movies.for 360,u have to buy an addon for HDDVD, an extra 200$. Besides this, the xbox 360 is pretty loud, itll kill the mood for watching a movie peacefully.The ps3 supports more media as it was actually realesed as a 'all in one media centre', not as a all out game console. 360 can pretty much do everything the ps3 can but the sound of the 360 and the extra HD DVD addon, gives the ps3 the upper hand.
Xbox 360 wins in everycase. Xbox live is just the best in interface,games, and player interaction. ALthough this, u have to pay for Xblive and u dont have to pay for ps3 home.
So its your choice actually, xbox 360 is the upper hand for games and online play but ps3 is better for multimedia. but then again y have an extended multimedia player when your pc linked with your 360 and your hdtv will create the best home theatre system or you can go all out for sony and use that as a substitute for a 360 and PC.
You need a 360,trust me
And especially for YOU,
1.u wanna play games
2.u wanna play online
3.u wanna play multiplatform
sure live might cost but believe me, its worth it.
the red rings flaw has been fixed now, and u have 3 year warranty, and if u send it in to get fixed(if it ever gets any problems), they send it back with a free controller!
The sound is nothing,youll get used to it straight away(with you and your mates playin it wont disturb you), and you could buy a fan cooler for your 360 if your too worried.
AS for games the 360 rips the ps3, many more games are out for 360 and are somewhat better, only a fewww titles that would wanna make u get ps3 but 360's titles are still better.
Dnt worry it wont damage your media, just send it in to get fixed like i said(that is if anything ever does get damaged)
ITS your choice, but if u wanna have my opinion, i would buy a 360, because i would buy a game console for gaming, not as a media centre. and especially in your case!
visit this website it has all the info u'll ever need if you need to still decide on ps3 or 360
(P.S plese giv dis good rating coz i spent alot of time reasearching for ur question, t.y'z!!!!!)
the free 360 is bull, or it just sucks up all your time and you end up failing anywayz..