If anyone tells you one of these consoles sucks, then ignore the reply because, both are GREAT consoles. :)
And don't listen to the fanboys (especially those with LONG lists of reasons to choose one over the other ;)), since they will try to convince you that the 360 or PS3 is better or worse, often by using lies, exaggeration and uninformed opinions to support their personal views (we've seen that already here with the price comparison and the claim that the 360 is nearing its maximum potential).
In otherwords, look out for the posts where the person is clearly in favour of one console and will tell you all the good things about that console and all the bad things about the other. Those are the posts to ignore.
The fact is, both the 360 and PS3 have their advantages and disadvantages and are of _similar_ power (as confirmed by devs who create games for both consoles, and from multi-format games), with the PS3 potentially having a slight edge overall, especially for exclusive games.
If you are interested on what the devs think, listen to those who have created games for both the 360 and PS3 and therefore know what they're talking about from experience. For example, listen to Podcast Episode 15 from Criterion (developers of the excellent Burnout series);
So what's my verdict on which console you should buy?
BUY A CONSOLE BASED UPON THE GAMES YOU WANT TO PLAY, not based upon what certain people say or think. That's the most important thing. So see what's on offer for the PS3, see what's on offer for the 360, both exclusive and multi-format games, and make up your mind based upon the console that has the games which appeals to YOU the most. :)
Also, if you can, find a friend who is a fan of the PS3 and another who is a fan of the 360, and let them 'sell' the console to you, hopefully by showing you some of the best games available and allowing you to play them. And once again, don't allow them to make up your mind for you.... do it yourself based upon what you've seen and experienced.
Good luck on your choice, but you'll be happy with either console imo. :)